A1 Assets Featured at NAHMMA and FAPPO Conferences


LONGWOOD, Florida (June 30, 2015) – A1 Assets was recently featured at two conferences held by the state’s leading management organizations for technology procurement and e-waste disposal.

On May 11th through the 14th, the Florida chapter of the North American Hazardous Materials Management Association (NAHMMA) held a workshop exhibition in Sarasota’s Lido Beach resort. A1 Assets is a member of NAHMMA and was one of the premiere sponsors of the conference. During the event, A1 Assets was represented by company president Andrew Hoopper, where he was a lead speaker about the changing climate of electronics recycling, and accepted A1 Assets’ award for Best Exhibitor.

“We are proud to have this amazing opportunity to present ourselves among other trade experts involved in the handling and processing of end-of-life electronics,” said David Leavitt, President and CEO of A1 Assets, Inc. “This recognition from NAHMMA represents the outstanding value that A1 Assets adds to their membership roles as one of Florida’s leaders in responsible recycling.”


NAHMMA 2015 Award

Andrew also represented A1 Assets at the Florida Association of Public Procurement Officials (FAPPO) Annual Conference and Trade Show, which was held at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando on May 17th through the 20th. “The FAPPO show was an outstanding opportunity to network with the professionals throughout Florida that we can share our unique recycling and remarketing services with,” Andrew stated. “Putting a name with the face and discussing the best way to complete the bid process helped not only to enhance our rapport, but increase awareness about the benefits that A1 Assets has to offer for municipalities and corporations alike.”

FAPPO 2015 Entrance

FAPPO 2015 Tent

FAPPO 2015 Andrew

FAPPO 2015 Tent 2

“We look forward to any opportunity to meet with potential clients and educate others about how our services support communities and businesses statewide,” said David Leavitt. “Both conferences allowed us the opportunity to share with them the superior benefits that our current clients have come to discover and appreciate. I am proud that we were well represented at both events.”


About A1 Assets, Inc.:

A1 Assets, Inc. services Fortune 1000 companies and government accounts across Florida and the Southeastern United States by providing industry-leading asset management services including innovative remarketing and superior electronics recycling. A1 Assets, Inc. is the only company in Central Florida certified in the Responsible Recycling Practices (R2), ISO 14001:2004, and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards guaranteeing data security and environmentally friendly materials management. For more information, please visit A1 Assets’ official website.

Media Contact:

Andrew Hoopper, President
407-339-7030 ext. 223