A1 Assets and City of Winter Park Host Spring Cleaning Electronics Recycling and Hazardous Materials Collection Event

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LONGWOOD, Florida (April 17, 2017) – A1 Assets and the city of Winter Park are partnering again for their first bi-annual recycling event of the year for the city’s residents to properly dispose of their unwanted electronics and hazardous waste. The recycling drive will take place on Saturday, April 22, between 8am-12pm, at Winter…

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A1 Assets and Vann Data Services Host 10th Annual Spring Cleaning E-Recycling Event in Daytona Beach

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LONGWOOD, Florida (April 9, 2017) – A1 Assets and Vann Data Services are teaming up to host their tenth annual electronics recycling collection drive in Daytona Beach. This yearly event provides a valuable opportunity for residents and businesses of Volusia County to dispose of their old devices for free, with the peace of…

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Orlando Residents Recycle 23,741 Lbs. of Electronics at 7th Annual A1 Assets/Keep Orlando Beautiful Event

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LONGWOOD, Florida (March 9, 2017) – On Saturday, February 25th, A1 Assets, American Textile Recycling Services, and Keep Orlando Beautiful had partnered up once again to host their annual electronic and textile recycling drive at the Orlando Festival Park. At this event, residents of the greater Orlando area dropped off 23,741 pounds of…

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A1 Assets and City of Winter Park To Hold Autumn Electronics Recycling and Hazardous Materials Collection Event

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LONGWOOD, Florida (September 12, 2016) – A1 Assets and Winter Park will be hosting their second event of the year to collect unwanted recyclable electronics and hazardous waste from the city’s residents. This recycling drive is being held exclusively for Winter Park residents, and will take place on Saturday, September 17, between 8am-12pm, at…

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A1 Assets and Vann Data Services Team Up for 9th Annual Earth Day e-Recycling Event in Daytona Beach

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LONGWOOD, Florida (April 18, 2016) – A1 Assets and Vann Data Services, Inc. are partnering up for the ninth year in a row to hold an electronics recycling event to commemorate Earth Day. The collection drive will take place on Friday, April 22nd, between 10am-2pm, at the Vann Data headquarters located at 1801 Dunn…

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A1 Assets Partners with City of Winter Park for Spring Electronics Recycling and Hazardous Materials Collection Event

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LONGWOOD, Florida (April 11, 2016) – A1 Assets and the city of Winter Park are teaming up again as part of their bi-annual tradition to host an event for the city’s residents to properly dispose of their unwanted electronics and hazardous waste. The recycling drive will take place on Saturday, April 16,…

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